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Ontario Marathon [90 Hardest Questions] | ON

Based on the 2025 ON Driver's manual
Questions: 90
Mistakes allowed: 0
Passing score: 100%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:20+20
How many correct answers to pass:16+16
Passing score:80%

This massive Marathon is special. It contains all 90 of our most challenging questions from the “hardest” tests, but that’s not all. It was designed to help you maximize your knowledge of the material, covering all the “blind spots” you might have. So if you make a mistake as you work your way through the Marathon, the system will remember that you got it wrong and will show you that question once again at a later point -- until you finally provide the correct answer. If at any point you feel that you need to practice in a more controlled environment, just go back to our regular tests -- every time you make a mistake in one of those, the system marks your answer as wrong and prompts you the correct answer, complemented by an explanation of why it is so. Once you’ve passed this Marathon test, you can be sure that you did everything possible to succeed!

Based on 2025 ON driver's license manual
Instant feedback
Perfect for: Ontario Learner’s Permit, Ontario Driver’s License, ON Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, ON Driver’s License Renewal.
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. Which of the following must be gathered at the time of transferring vehicle ownership?
  2. A transit marker is a type of temporary permit that will allow you to move an unregistered vehicle from one location to another location. It is valid for ______ hours.
  3. Someone else may use a placard issued to a person with disabilities when
  4. According to the New Brunswick Driver's Handbook, what is the best position for a motorcycle to ride in?
  5. A motorcyclist should NEVER
  6. When an emergency vehicle approaches from either direction, flashing its lights or sounding its siren, all motor vehicle drivers must
  7. As long as there is not a speed hazard that requires a lower speed on highways and provincial streets, the speed limit is ______ km/h in urban districts.
  8. If you are driving significantly slower than the speed of traffic, it is
  9. You are legally allowed to ride in or on a trailer that is being hauled by a motor vehicle in all of the following situations EXCEPT
  10. New Brunswick’s most common cause of highway crashes is
  11. As a vehicle driver, you must be particularly careful around bicyclists as they
  12. The three major types of accidents which involve farm equipment include all of the following EXCEPT
  13. While driving at night, if you meet an oncoming vehicle with blinding bright lights, what should you do?
  14. Vertical rectangular signs with black letters on a white background are
  15. Because this sign is diamond-shaped, you can tell that it is a ______ sign.
  16. This sign indicates there is ________ ahead.
  17. This sign warns that, at 0 degrees, a surface may be ______.
  18. For motorcyclists, the manual recommends the FINE-C pre-start routine, as the acronym will help you remember. The F stands for
  19. If you must ride over an object while on your motorcycle, you should
  20. If you are under 19, is it true you can still be an organ donor?
  21. Except when overtaking or passing, it is illegal for a commercial motor vehicle to follow another vehicle within
  22. A class 5 licence allows you to drive
  23. To leave a rotary or traffic circle, you should
  24. A licence plate is required to be
  25. According to the New Brunswick Manual, the greatest danger of highway driving is
  26. If a vehicle is stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, you may
  27. When following another vehicle, you should leave at least one car length between yourself and the vehicle, for every ___ km/h of speed.
  28. As a pedestrian, if you are facing a "don't walk" light, you may
  29. Bicyclists may _______ ride on sidewalks.
  30. Out-of-province vehicles being registered in New Brunswick have ___ days to obtain an inspection.

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