The Ontario DZ written test is split into two parts: the Class D license knowledge test, and the Z endorsement test for air brakes. The knowledge test for Class D contains 40 multiple-choice questions about large trucks, and combination vehicles along with trucking regulations. There are two sections: 20 questions focused on road rules specific to heavy trucks and commercial vehicles, and 20 questions on associated road signs and trucking signals. The Z endorsement test, which is separate, tests knowledge of air brakes, how they operate, and how to inspect them. Thus, to acquire a DZ license, both the D license test and Z endorsement test must be passed. If you don’t pass either test, you can retake the failed one after repaying the associated fees. Looking for a free Ontario DZ practice test? Take this test below for the D license part, and this free Air Brake practice test for your Z endorsement.
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