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Ontario Class B (Bus) Commercial Licence Practice Test 7 2025 | ON

Based on the 2025 ON CDL manual
Questions: 49
Mistakes allowed: 10
Passing score: 80%
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Welcome to Practice Test 7, an important step in your Ontario Class B licensing journey. This 49-question test focuses on vehicle inspection procedures, ensuring your bus is safe and roadworthy. Aim for a pass score of 80%, similar to the actual exam. Vehicle inspection is not just a part of the test but a crucial responsibility for Class B drivers in Ontario.

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Based on 2025 ON commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. If a crash occurs while you are backing up with the aid of a guide, who will be held responsible?
  2. If a fire starts in your vehicle, you should do which of the following?
  3. If a peace officer asks for your logbook and supporting documents, what documents should you provide?
  4. If an air line ruptures between the compressor and the supply reservoir, what will prevent loss of air pressure in the service brake system?
  5. If another driver wants to pass your vehicle, what should you do?
  6. If someone is tailgating you, what should you do?
  7. If you are going to park for longer than ________, you should turn off your engine.
  8. If you are parking a bus on a downgrade, you should
  9. If you are parking a single-unit (straight) vehicle on an upgrade without a curb, you should
  10. If you are parking a vehicle on a downgrade, you should
  11. If you are required to keep a logbook, what must you have in your possession?
  12. If you are unable to keep up with traffic on a steep grade, what should you do?
  13. If you are parking your vehicle on an upgrade without a curb, you should
  14. If you feel tired while driving,
  15. If you find a defect or deficiency in your passenger vehicle, what should you do?
  16. If you find a major defect in your vehicle during your pre-trip inspection, when must it be repaired?
  17. If you leave the paved portion of the roadway, which of these should you NOT do to return to the roadway?
  18. If you miss your exit on a highway, you should
  19. If you must adjust an automatic slack adjuster that has a hexagonal (six-sided) adjusting bolt, you should turn the adjusting bolt in which direction?
  20. If you must drive more slowly than the traffic flow, you should
  21. If you need to keep a daily log, what else do you need to keep with you?
  22. If you reduce a tire’s air pressure when it is warm,
  23. If you see this sign, it means you are
  24. If you're driving a motor home, you should maintain a following distance of at least ________ behind the vehicle in front of you.
  25. If you're on a 14-day cycle, what is the maximum number of hours you can drive within 14 consecutive days?
  26. If your brakes get wet, what should you do?
  27. If your vehicle breaks down on the freeway, you should
  28. If your vehicle is carrying cargo, how often must you perform an en-route inspection of the cargo securement system?
  29. If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, what should you do?
  30. If your vehicle starts to pull strongly to the right, it indicates
  31. In a sedan-type vehicle, how many passengers may be seated on your right side?
  32. Are you legally allowed to exceed the speed limit to pass another vehicle?
  33. When are you allowed to exceed the speed limit when passing another vehicle?
  34. In an urban area such as a village, town or city, are you allowed to back up into an intersection or crosswalk?
  35. In the context of commercial driving, what is a turnout?
  36. Just before your vehicle comes to a full stop, you should __________ to prevent your vehicle from jerking back.
  37. Making eye contact with cyclists around your vehicle
  38. On a log-hauling truck, logs may extend up to _______ behind the bed of the truck.
  39. On a long, narrow stretch of highway, a bus has just reached a passing lane. The bus is travelling slower than the rest of the traffic. What should the bus driver do?
  40. On icy or other slippery roads, you should avoid using your
  41. Overdriving your headlights at night is dangerous because
  42. On-duty time includes which of the following?
  43. On-duty time includes which of the following?
  44. Partway through your trip, you must couple to another trailer. What should you do?
  45. Rapid acceleration can increase your fuel consumption by up to
  46. Reducing a tire’s air pressure when it is hot
  47. Shared centre lanes are used for
  48. Someone texts you while you're driving. What should you do?
  49. Stopping on icy roads requires
  50. The area of a primary highway beyond the solid white line is meant for

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