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ON Air Brake Test 8 2025

Based on the 2025 ON CDL manual
Questions: 50
Mistakes allowed: 10
Passing score: 80%
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Step right up for Ontario Commercial Air Brake Test 8. This practice exam is your key to understanding air pressure systems. Featuring 50 detailed questions, our test offers an in-depth review of all the topics you can expect on the official test. Be ready; be prepared.

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Based on 2025 ON commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. To prevent all of the air in the tractor from being lost, the trailer air supply valve
  2. Which of the following elements does not belong to disc air brakes?
  3. What is the term for the condition in which braking force diminishes due to brake parts heating up, requiring more force on the pedal?
  4. If the speed of your vehicle is doubled, how will the braking distance be affected?
  5. If you double both your vehicle's weight and speed, by how much will the stopping distance increase?
  6. Is it commonplace to utilize full brake capacity under normal conditions?
  7. Is it possible to tow trailers equipped with spring brake priority without waiting for service brake air tanks to be filled?
  8. Identify the foundation brake system that is not typically found.
  9. What are the immediate effects when a wheel locks and tire skidding takes place?
  10. How does the braking distance change if the vehicle's weight is doubled?
  11. How often are vehicles with air brakes required to be inspected according to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and regulations?
  12. Where are the major components of the 'S' cam brake system located?
  13. What does it mean if pushrod stroke exceeds the adjustment limit?
  14. When looking at disc brakes, the brake rotor is only partly visible due to being covered by the wheel, brake caliper and what else?
  15. What is the primary function of anti-lock braking systems (ABS)?
  16. What happens to the brake force at a wheel if pushrod stroke becomes excessive?
  17. Is it possible for brake temperatures to reach levels that can cause damage to brake components?
  18. Which of the following components of an S-cam drum brake are internal to the drum brake?
  19. What is the primary concern if your vehicle is overloaded?
  20. Which component controls the tractor protection valve?
  21. Air pressure in the trailer may drop for which of the following reasons?
  22. Can an air brake system be engineered to function with multiple types of foundation brake subsystems, even within the same vehicle?
  23. In wedge brakes, the stroke of the brake chamber pushrod slides a wedge between the brake shoes, forcing them in which direction?
  24. Which of the following is not a part of an S-cam drum brake?
  25. Which of the following does not affect how well your vehicle's brakes operate?
  26. Your vehicle's ability to stop will be reduced in all of these situations EXCEPT
  27. What role does the brake spider in an air brake system play?
  28. Under normal driving conditions, are you likely to notice a minor loss in braking capability?
  29. Which of these factors ensures that the brake chamber always exerts the necessary force?
  30. Which of these methods can help you pinpoint a leak in the air hoses?
  31. For a belt-driven air compressor, which of these should be checked?
  32. For inspecting the air brake system, you may be required to wear all this safety equipment EXCEPT
  33. What is the effective length of the slack adjuster?
  34. How can you find out quickly whether your truck's or bus's ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) has failed?
  35. In the case of a wheel problem, which substance might come into contact with the brake lining?
  36. Why must each axle end have the same air brake chamber size?
  37. What constitutes a risk when the brake lining becomes overly worn?
  38. Besides assessing the tanks, what other elements should be verified?
  39. Which aspect does not signify a brake lining defect?
  40. What's the usual method for detecting air leaks in brake chambers?
  41. When inspecting an air brake chamber, look for all the following defects EXCEPT
  42. Where should the brake-shoe lining be positioned for effective braking?
  43. For a belt-driven air compressor, the belt should
  44. What key benefit does the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) provide?
  45. If an error occurs in an ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), is normal brake functionality preserved?
  46. Aside from visual checks, how else should air tank attachment security be confirmed?
  47. How do slack adjusters act as levers?
  48. Under normal driving conditions and on dry, clean roads, is there a difference in operation between vehicles equipped with anti-lock brakes and those without?
  49. Which statement is false when inspecting the air compressor?
  50. When should wheel chocks or blocks be used?

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