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FREE G1 Diagnostic Test 2025 | ON

Based on the 2025 ON Driver's manual
Questions: 15
Mistakes allowed: 3
Passing score: 80%
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice tests is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:20+20
How many correct answers to pass:16+16
Passing score:80%

The following 15 multiple-choice questions are designed to help you get a rough idea of how much you already know about driving rules in Ontario, Canada. These are the practice questions that are most often missed by our users. This test will help you quickly identify gaps in your knowledge of driving, which will be especially useful if you’re just starting to prepare for your G1 knowledge exam. Each of our practice tests uses real questions straight from the source -- the official Ontario Ministry of Transportation Driver’s Handbook. All our materials are based on the same topics as the official G1 exam. Please note that on the official test, you’ll have to answer t0 multiple-choice questions in two section (20 for road signs and 20 for rules of the road). Good luck with these practice questions and with the actual test.

Based on 2025 ON driver's license manual
Instant feedback
Perfect for: Ontario Learner’s Permit, Ontario Driver’s License, ON Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, ON Driver’s License Renewal.
List of questions (classic view)
  1. What does this sign mean?
  2. What does this sign mean?
  3. If an accompanying driver is older than 22, their blood alcohol level must be less than
  4. If you are convicted for the first time of driving while your licence is suspended, you will get an additional six-month suspension, and you will also face which of the following other penalties?
  5. A teenage G2 driver with more than 6 months of driving experience may carry ____ between midnight and 5 a.m.
  6. If a fully licensed or hybrid driver is convicted of distracted driving for the first time, s/he faces
  7. If you are a driver aged 19 or under and within the first six months of receiving your G2 licence, how many passengers are you allowed to carry between midnight and 5 a.m.?
  8. If you are convicted of following too closely (tailgating), ____ demerit points will be added to your driving record.
  9. If you are found guilty of backing on a highway or driving too slowly, ____ demerit points will be added to your driving record.
  10. If you are found guilty of carrying a child passenger who is not properly secured, ____ demerit points will be added to your driving record.
  11. Do NOT park anywhere that you don't have a clear view for at least _____ metres in both directions.
  12. You may NOT park within _______ of an intersection that is NOT controlled by traffic lights.
  13. Under Ontario's Move Over law, you are required to
  14. If you are convicted of violating Ontario's Move Over law, you will face which of the following penalties for a first offence?
  15. If you are found guilty of going the wrong way on a one-way road, ____ demerit points will be added to your driving record.

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