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YT Class 1 Commercial Driving Licence Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 YT CDL manual
Questions: 35
Mistakes allowed: 7
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:35
How many correct answers to pass:28
Passing score:80%

Getting ready for the Class 1 portion of your Yukon commercial driving licence test can be overwhelming. You know you have to ace it in order to drive a truck in YT, so your entire livelihood depends on it. You have studied the official handbook over and over again, but you need to put your skills to the test to see if you have what it takes to pass. You can accomplish that with the Exam Simulator. With questions pulled directly from the most recent official commercial driver manual, the simulator has the same type of questions that you’ll find on the official exam.

Based on 2025 YT commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. In which of the following situations are you allowed to use a hand-held cell phone?
  2. When you encounter a flashing red traffic light, you must
  3. When you see a flashing yellow traffic light, you should
  4. You are planning to turn at an intersection, and you cannot see any other vehicles around. Do you still have to use your turn signals?
  5. Two cars arrive at an all-way stop at about the same time. Which car should go first?
  6. Three cars are approaching this four-way stop, one after the other. Which car should go first?
  7. In which of these situations are you allowed to pass a vehicle on the right?
  8. When are you allowed to drive on the shoulder of the road to pass another vehicle on the right?
  9. You are in the right lane of a four-lane highway. You see an emergency vehicle pulled over ahead with its lights flashing. What should you do?
  10. If an emergency vehicle with flashing or rotating lights or sounding a siren is approaching, what should you do?
  11. You are driving on a two-way, two-lane road. You see an emergency vehicle pulled over ahead with its lights flashing. What should you do?
  12. Which of the following are prohibited in Quebec?
  13. When driving in work areas, you should
  14. Which of the following is true about work areas in Quebec?
  15. What does this sign mean?
  16. This flagperson's signal indicates that you must
  17. What does this sign mean?
  18. Which of the following statements about driving on highways is true?
  19. In Quebec, backing up is prohibited
  20. You may drive on the shoulder of the road
  21. If you are found guilty of driving while using a hand-held cell phone, ____ demerit points will be added to your driving record.
  22. What does this sign mean?
  23. If you are found guilty of knowingly providing false information on your application for a licence, you will be fined up to
  24. You are at the scene of an accident in which one or more persons were injured. What should you do?
  25. If you are found guilty of failing to carry your driver's licence while you're driving, you will be fined up to
  26. When driving conditions are good, use the _________ to leave enough space behind the vehicle in front of you.
  27. If you are found guilty of driving too fast for weather or traffic conditions, you will be fined up to
  28. You have entered an intersection to turn left on a flashing green signal light. Then the signal light turns yellow. What should you do?
  29. You are approaching an intersection with a green signal. A pedestrian hasn't finished crossing your path. Who has the right of way?
  30. If you refuse to provide a breath or blood sample when requested by a peace officer, which of the following will happen?

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