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SK Class 2 (Bus) Commercial Licence Practice Test 4 2024

Based on the 2024 SK CDL manual
Questions: 50
Mistakes allowed: 10
Passing score: 80%
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Step up to the plate with Saskatchewan Class 2 Test 4. Updated for December 2024, this practice test is packed with 50 critical questions that cover the essentials. If you’re 18 or older and not a novice driver, you’re eligible to take this test. Beyond the screen, you’ll need a vision test, a Class 2 vehicle trip inspection, and a road test to secure your license. Already have the proper endorsements? Then you’re cleared for air brakes and school buses as well.

5 out of 5 • 1 votes.
Based on 2024 SK commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. What are the consequences if you exceed your maximum on-duty hours and a peace officer stops you?
  2. What are the main components of a simple, basic air brake system?
  3. What are the recommended positions for your hands on the steering wheel?
  4. What colour are the flashing lights used by an ambulance driver to warn others to yield?
  5. What do these roadway markings mean?
  6. What does a downward-pointing green arrow above your lane mean?
  7. What does the term "space cushion" mean?
  8. What does this image indicate?
  9. What does this road sign mean?
  10. What does this road sign mean?
  11. What does this road sign mean?
  12. What does this road sign mean?
  13. What does this road sign mean?
  14. What does this road sign mean?
  15. What does this road sign mean?
  16. What does this road sign mean?
  17. What does this road sign mean?
  18. What does this road sign mean?
  19. What does this road sign mean?
  20. What does this road sign mean?
  21. What does this road sign mean?
  22. What does this road sign mean?
  23. What does this road sign mean?
  24. What does this road sign mean?
  25. What does this road sign mean?
  26. What does this road sign mean?
  27. What does this road sign mean?
  28. What does this sign mean?
  29. What does this sign mean?
  30. What does this sign mean?
  31. What does this sign mean?
  32. What does this sign mean?
  33. What does this sign mean?
  34. What does this sign mean?
  35. What does this sign mean?
  36. What does this sign mean?
  37. What does this sign mean?
  38. What does this sign mean?
  39. What does this sign mean?
  40. What does this sign mean?
  41. What does this sign mean?
  42. What does this sign mean?
  43. What does this sign mean?
  44. What does this sign mean?
  45. What does this sign mean?
  46. What does this sign mean?
  47. What does this sign mean?
  48. What does this sign mean?
  49. What does this sign mean?
  50. What does this sign mean?