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FREE QC General Knowledge Test 1 2025

Based on the 2025 QC CDL manual
Questions: 55
Mistakes allowed: 14
Passing score: 75%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:32
How many correct answers to pass:24
Passing score:75%

Driving a commercial truck in the­ province of Quebec re­quires obtaining a specialized lice­nce. This process involves passing both a writte­n and a practical examination. The transportation industry in Quebe­c is thriving, with a high demand for qualified truck drivers. Ove­r 50% of drivers in the region work in the­ truck transportation sector. Securing a commercial truck drive­r’s licence is the crucial first ste­p to entering this stable and full-time­ employment field.

The­ written exam consists of multiple-choice­ questions based on the 2025 QC Comme­rcial Driver’s Manual. To pass, you must correctly answer at le­ast 80% of the questions which will take about 30 minutes. This portion of the licencing process e­valuates your knowledge of the­ rules and regulations governing comme­rcial truck operation in Quebec. The­ practical test, conducted with an examine­r present, assesse­s your actual truck driving skills and ability to operate the commercial ve­hicle safely and effe­ctively.

Our comprehensive­ 55-question QC General Knowle­dge practice test provide­s an excellent opportunity to pre­pare thoroughly for the written e­xamination. Each question is accompanied by a detaile­d explanation, enhancing your understanding of the­ material and the rationale be­hind the correct answers. Dilige­nt practice with this resource is crucial for succe­ss on the knowledge e­xam and ultimately entering Que­bec’s dynamic and thriving trucking industry. We wish you the ve­ry best as you embark on this exciting care­er journey!

4.8 out of 5 • 5 votes.
Based on 2025 QC commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. What should you do to enter a freeway?
  2. You're approaching a red traffic signal light, but a police officer motions you to go through. What should you do?
  3. You're driving a tractor-trailer. While rounding a right curve on a two-way road, you should
  4. When can a police officer inspect your vehicle?
  5. In Ontario, you must not park or leave your vehicle on a rural roadway unless there is a clear view for at least ________ in both directions.
  6. When should you perform a circle check of your commercial motor vehicle?
  7. If you're approaching a railway crossing at which a signal device or flagperson is warning of an approaching train, you must
  8. If you have to stop on a roadway after dark, flares must be visible for a distance of at least ____ from your vehicle.
  9. Under all conditions, you should drive at a speed that will allow you to
  10. Who is responsible for the safe operation of a motor vehicle?
  11. A licensed driver who wants to learn how to drive a tractor-trailer must
  12. When uncoupling a combination vehicle (such as a tractor-trailer), which of the following is the next step after you've lowered the landing gear?
  13. Any load which projects from the rear of a vehicle by at least 1 metre (about 3 feet) must be marked by
  14. You're driving a vehicle equipped with air brakes. You notice that when you brake, the service brakes aren't holding even though air pressure is satisfactory. What should you do?
  15. To perform the pre-trip inspection of the air brakes, which of the following should you do first?
  16. To enter a highway from a private road or driveway, you should
  17. What is the gross weight of a vehicle?
  18. Ontario law does NOT require ________ on a motor vehicle.
  19. In Ontario, the maximum speed limit on a rural highway is ________ except where otherwise posted.
  20. When you back your tractor to couple a semi-trailer, the fifth wheel opening must be in direct line with
  21. When travelling at over 60 km/h (40 mph), a commercial truck driver must maintain a following distance of at least _________ behind the vehicle ahead, except when passing.
  22. The driver must carry a daily log with entries for the past
  23. Drivers are exempted from keeping a daily log if they drive within a radius of
  24. The driver's log book must contain which of the following entries?
  25. Electronic recording of log entries is
  26. What action does not typically indicate a driver's fatigue?
  27. Which of the following is drastically enhanced by the consumption of alcohol, medications, or illicit substances?
  28. Which of the following is not included in a circle check?
  29. How many gears does a non-synchromesh manual transmission typically have?
  30. Which of the following vehicles is NOT required to stop at an inspection station whose lights are flashing?
  31. How many major zones does Quebec divide into to establish the maximum authorized weight limit during spring thaw?
  32. When can an electronic log book be used?
  33. What should you do when coming across an oncoming vehicle and experiencing glare from their headlights?
  34. How much does road resistance decrease during the spring thaw period?
  35. When is the risk of falling asleep at the wheel highest?
  36. A non-synchromesh manual transmission clutch pedal has how many positions?
  37. Is it illegal to hold any kind of portable electronic device in your hand while driving?
  38. The load restriction period usually lasts from when to when?
  39. Which of these are checked during a roadside inspection of a heavy vehicle?
  40. Which of the following is not a result of fatigue?
  41. Which of the following should you avoid while driving your heavy vehicle?
  42. If you violate the zero-tolerance rule for alcohol or drugs and get caught with a blood alcohol level of 80 mg per 100 ml of blood or more, how long are you forbidden from driving?
  43. The total loaded mass (load limits) is based on which of the following?
  44. If a heavy vehicle with an automatic transmission doesn't have a PARK setting, what should you do to ensure the vehicle stays stationary when you stop?
  45. Which of the following is not true? Inform the operator if your licence or the associated class and endorsements authorizing you to drive the vehicle are...
  46. When you increase your speed, what happens to your field of vision?
  47. Which of the following is not an effect of driving under the influence of alcohol?
  48. What is required by the 'Move Over Law'?
  49. What is the role of a flag person?
  50. What must be placed at the rear of an oversized load extending more than one metre beyond the back of the vehicle during daylight hours?
  51. In which scenario can you be exempt from maintaining accurate off-duty and driving time logs in your vehicle for the previous 14 days?
  52. Which statement is incorrect? You should refrain from driving your vehicle if the seat belt is...
  53. When driving in hot weather, you should keep an eye on
  54. When you're driving a bus, which of these is FALSE?
  55. How many gears does a synchromesh manual transmission typically have?
  56. The pyrometer is a dashboard gauge that measures
  57. Which of these produces electricity to keep the vehicle's batteries charged?
  58. The difference in electrical charge potential between two points in a circuit acts as a kind of pressure to make an electrical current flow. This pressure or potential difference is usually measured in
  59. You may not drive a tractor-trailer if the semi-trailer's length exceeds _______ unless you obtain an oversize permit.
  60. What is the maximum permitted width of a semi-trailer?
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