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QC General Knowledge Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 QC CDL manual
Questions: 32
Mistakes allowed: 8
Passing score: 75%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:32
How many correct answers to pass:24
Passing score:75%

Commercial drivers must pass a written exam to be licensed to drive in Quebec, Canada. The written exam tests the driver’s knowledge of how to operate a commercial vehicle. This Exam Simulator is just like the official QC General Knowledge exam. It contains 32 random questions and will stop as soon as you’ve reached the passing or failing score. You’ll get a new set of questions every time you restart it. The exam simulator is not timed, and you must get at least 80% correct to pass. It is based on the 2025 Quebec commercial driver’s manual.

Based on 2025 QC commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. When you are following a motorcycle, allow extra space between your vehicle and the motorcycle because
  2. What should you do if your headlights fail?
  3. What is the best way to ensure that there are no vehicles or cyclists in your blind spot?
  4. What does this sign mean?
  5. When another vehicle is merging into your lane from the right, you should
  6. In an urban area such as a village, town or city, are you allowed to back up into an intersection or crosswalk?
  7. If you are involved in a collision,
  8. You enter a curve and due to wet conditions your vehicle starts to skid. What should you do to control it?
  9. Turning right from one two-way road into another, from where should you begin your turn?
  10. When driving behind a large commercial vehicle, you must make sure that you can see
  11. How is a traffic circle different from a roundabout?
  12. In hydroplaning,
  13. Funeral processions have right-of-way over you…?
  14. To recover from a skid, you should
  15. When can you drive side by side with a motorcycle in one lane?
  16. Parking is prohibited within 5 (five) metres of
  17. An octagonal (eight-sided) red sign is
  18. Uncontrolled intersections
  19. When you are preparing to make a right turn from the right lane, you should shoulder check to the right to make sure
  20. What legal documents are all drivers required to have when operating a vehicle?
  21. If your vehicle breaks down on the freeway, you should
  22. Overdriving your headlights at night is dangerous because
  23. During winter months, you should carry ________ in your vehicle.
  24. In Alberta, are you allowed to exceed the speed limit to pass another vehicle?
  25. Are you likely to pass a breath test for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) after you've consumed just one standard alcoholic drink?
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