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NS Class 2 Commercial Driving Licence Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 NS CDL manual
Questions: 18
Mistakes allowed: 4
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:18
How many correct answers to pass:14
Passing score:80%

In Nova Scotia, Canada, aspiring commercial drivers are required to successfully complete a written examination to earn their license, proving they understand the complexities of operating a commercial vehicle. Our NS Exam Simulator closely emulates the real NS Bus Driver’s written exam. It generates a random selection of 18 questions, concluding the test when you’ve either achieved the passing mark or have been disqualified. Each attempt presents a fresh set of challenges, with no two tests being the same. While there is no time limit, you must attain a score of 80% or higher to pass, reflecting the standards of the 2025 Nova Scotia commercial driver’s manual. Prepare to test your knowledge under realistic exam conditions.

Based on 2025 NS commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. To turn left from a one-way street onto a two-way street, you should start the turn from
  2. Which of the following vehicles is NOT required to stop at railway crossings?
  3. At a railway crossing, which of the following should alert you that a train is approaching?
  4. When a lane is closed ahead, what should drivers in that lane do?
  5. Why is zipper merging beneficial?
  6. A visitor to Saskatchewan is allowed to drive a vehicle registered elsewhere
  7. A new resident of Saskatchewan must register his or her vehicle within
  8. When making a right turn, position your vehicle
  9. In which of the following Saskatchewan locations can you find triangular reflective delineators?
  10. When driving behind a large truck, you should be able to see the truck driver's ________ to make sure the truck driver can see you.
  11. Are you permitted to pass a moving snowplow on a roadway?
  12. When you see a stopped snow plow with its lights flashing, you should
  13. In Saskatchewan, the driver's licence of a Canadian citizen expires
  14. While you're waiting for oncoming traffic to clear before you make a left turn, which way should you point your front wheels?
  15. In which of these situations should you increase your following distance?
  16. If you are being tailgated, you should increase your following distance to
  17. Licence plate insurance provides up to _______ in liability coverage.
  18. Can a Class 7 (Learner) driver transport passengers between midnight and 5 a.m.?
  19. Can a Class 5 Novice 1 driver transport passengers between midnight and 5 a.m.?
  20. A driver in the Graduated Driver Licensing program will be required to attend a Traffic Safety Education session if
  21. Areas of the road that you cannot see in your mirrors are called
  22. In this diagram of a two-lane roundabout, which of the following is true?
  23. You must NOT ________ when you're being passed by another vehicle.
  24. You are driving on a two-lane highway when you spot an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing or sirens engaged that is approaching you from behind. What should you do?
  25. Which of the following can interfere with the IPDE hazard prediction process?
  26. This sign means that ________ are prohibited on this road.
  27. What does this sign mean?
  28. You see a lane with these markings. What kind of lane is it?
  29. A solid white line means that you are
  30. Two cars arrive at this intersection at about the same time. Which of the following is true?

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