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Northwest Territories Fines and Limits Test 2025 | NT

Based on the 2025 NT Driver's manual
Questions: 30
Mistakes allowed: 6
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:40
How many correct answers to pass:16+16
Passing score:80%
Minimum age to apply:16

Safety tips and traffic rules aren’t the only things you need to know in order to pass your driver’s exam. The NWT Driver Handbook also includes information about fines, penalties, DUI regulations, and reasons a driver might lose his or her driving privileges. This NWT Fines, Limits and Regulations Test will help you boost your knowledge of the rules of the road and what will happen if you break them. Just like the other NWT practice tests, this one provides potential drivers with a hint and an explanation of the correct answer for each of the 30 questions. All questions are based upon information in the official NWT Driver’s Manual. This Fines, Limits and Regulations test is another step in your journey to becoming an official Northwest Territories driver. Good luck!

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Based on 2025 NT driver's license manual
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Perfect for: Northwest Territories Learner’s Permit, Northwest Territories Driver’s License, NT Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, NT Driver’s License Renewal.
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. To apply for a Class 7 (Learners) licence, you must be at least
  2. Tourists or visitors from other countries may use their valid driver's licence for up to
  3. A Class 7 – Stage One learner driver may practice driving under the supervision of a licenced driver who has at least ______ of driving experience.
  4. A Class 7 – Stage One learner driver may not drive
  5. A driver has been convicted of an alcohol-related offence. The court suspends the driver's licence for 3 months. The Northwest Territories suspension is for one year. For how long will the driver be legally disqualified from driving?
  6. A driver has been convicted of driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over 0.08, and this is his or her third such conviction within 10 years. The driver will be disqualified from driving for
  7. When you purchase a new vehicle, you must transfer the registration from your previous vehicle to the new vehicle within
  8. While driving, the holder of a Class 7 (Learners) licence must be supervised by
  9. To become a Class 5P (probationary) driver, you must
  10. The maximum speed limit outside a settlement or municipality is _______ unless otherwise posted.
  11. You must turn on your headlights at night and whenever you can't see clearly
  12. If you're approaching a railway crossing at which a stop sign is posted, you must stop at least _______ from the nearest rail.
  13. For novice (Class 7 and Class 5P) drivers, the legal limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is
  14. If a fully licenced driver accumulates at least _________, his or her licence will be suspended.
  15. If a driver in the GDL program accumulates at least 15 demerit points, he or she will face the following penalties
  16. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit within a playground zone is usually
  17. In the Northwest Territories, the minimum third-party liability insurance required on your vehicle is
  18. The maximum speed limit within a settlement or municipality is _______ unless otherwise posted.
  19. In the Northwest Territories, you may not park within _______ of a fire hydrant.
  20. If you are involved in a collision, you must report it to the police immediately if total damages exceed
  21. You are travelling on a divided highway. A school bus with flashing red lights has stopped on the opposite side of the divided highway. What should you do?
  22. You must not follow an emergency vehicle within _______ if its lights or siren are operating.
  23. For fully licenced drivers, the legal limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is
  24. If you refuse to provide a breath or blood sample when an officer asks you to do so, your licence will be immediately suspended for
  25. If a driver in the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program accumulates at least ____ demerit points, his or her licence will be suspended.
  26. In the Northwest Territories, are you allowed to tow someone riding a toboggan?
  27. If you are at least ________, you must have a medical exam to renew your Class 5 licence.
  28. A driver in the Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program must hold a probationary licence for at least
  29. In the Northwest Territories, you may not park within ______ metres of the near side of a crosswalk.
  30. In the Northwest Territories, you may not park within _______ of a stop sign.

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