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NL Class 3 Commercial Licence Marathon 2024

Based on the 2024 NL CDL manual
Questions: 72
Mistakes allowed: 0
Passing score: 100%
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Ready for a challenge? This Marathon is a massive practice test that contains all 72 questions from our Class 3 Commercial Licence database for Newfoundland and Labrador. If you select an incorrect answer, we’ll remember that question and will display it to you again at the end of the Marathon -- until you’ve answered that question correctly. In other words, the Marathon will cycle through your missed questions until you answer each one correctly. You must make a 100% to pass. We suggest you attempt this one after you have practiced the province’s regular practice tests, but before the Exam Simulator. It might take some time, but you can do this!

Based on 2024 NL commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. A green circle
  2. What does this road sign mean?
  3. What does the following sign mean?
  4. What does this sign mean?
  5. What does a diamond-shaped road sign mean?
  6. What does this sign mean?
  7. Vertical rectangular traffic signs generally
  8. This sign is warning you that
  9. This sign warns you that there is
  10. What does this sign mean?
  11. What does this sign mean?
  12. What does this sign indicate?
  13. What does this sign indicate?
  14. What does this road sign mean?
  15. What type of sign is this?
  16. You are approaching an intersection at which you want to turn left. You cannot see any other vehicles around. Do you still have to signal?
  17. Three cars arrive at a T-intersection with a stop sign. In which order should they proceed?
  18. Three cars arrive at an intersection at about the same time that a pedestrian crosses one of the roads. Who has the right-of-way here?
  19. Two cars are turning left onto a divided highway. Which cars are turning correctly?
  20. Whenever you approach a school bus that is stopped with flashing red lights, you should
  21. When can you see a cyclist NOT riding close to the curb in the right lane?
  22. Two vehicles approach a four-way stop at about the same time. Which vehicle has the right-of-way?
  23. In this image, which vehicles are NOT likely to be visible to the truck driver?
  24. Is this car legally parked?
  25. What is this an example of?
  26. Is the blue car positioned correctly for a left turn?
  27. Two vehicles approach an intersection from different roadways at about the same time. Each vehicle encounters a stop sign. Which vehicle must yield?
  28. To use a roundabout, you must
  29. When emerging from an alley, a private road or a driveway in a business or residential district, you must
  30. It can be dangerous for a motorcyclist to ride alongside cars because