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NB Class 3 Commercial Driving Licence Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 NB CDL manual
Questions: 35
Mistakes allowed: 7
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:35
How many correct answers to pass:28
Passing score:80%

Getting ready for the Class 3 portion of your New Brunswick commercial driving licence test can be overwhelming. You know you have to ace it in order to drive a truck in NB, so your entire livelihood depends on it. You have studied the official handbook over and over again, but you need to put your skills to the test to see if you have what it takes to pass. You can accomplish that with the Exam Simulator. With questions pulled directly from the most recent official commercial driver manual, the simulator has the same type of questions that you’ll find on the official exam.

Based on 2025 NB commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. If you encounter a potential hazard, what should you do?
  2. You are giving a ride to some friends. If they don't buckle up, what should you do?
  3. What should you do when someone is tailgating you?
  4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
  5. If you’re alert and make good decisions based on ________, you will usually be able to take a driving action before an emergency develops.
  6. Which of the following can affect your driving abilities?
  7. If you are under emotional stress while driving a vehicle, you should
  8. When confronted by an aggressive driver, you should NOT
  9. On your way home, you are being followed by an aggressive driver on your way home. What should you do?
  10. You are in the left-turn lane, waiting to turn. The driver behind you honks the horn to get you to hurry up. What should you do?
  11. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about seatbelts?
  12. When positioning your vehicle while you're driving, you should
  13. When driving in poor weather or road conditions, you should avoid using
  14. In a roundabout, the right-of-way belongs to
  15. In a roundabout, you must drive in
  16. Which cars are using this roundabout correctly?
  17. You want to drive straight through this roundabout. Which lane should you use?
  18. A single solid white line across a road at an intersection means that you must _________ for a traffic signal or sign.
  19. You are driving on a multi-lane freeway. Which lane should you use for normal driving?
  20. You see a pedestrian about to jaywalk. What should you do?
  21. You are approaching an intersection at which you want to turn left, and you cannot see any other vehicles around. Do you still have to signal?
  22. This hand signal indicates that the driver intends to
  23. This hand signal indicates that the driver intends to
  24. You should signal when you intend to
  25. You are driving in a roundabout when you hear and see an emergency vehicle approaching you from behind. What should you do?
  26. When approaching this sign, you have to give the right-of-way to
  27. Car B has entered an intersection to turn right on a red light. Car A has a green light and wants to proceed straight through the intersection. Which of the following is true?
  28. When you see a flashing yellow traffic light at an intersection, you should
  29. You are approaching a steady green light with a flashing green arrow pointing left. You may
  30. You are approaching a steady red light with a flashing green arrow pointing left. You may
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