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Manitoba Marathon [120 Hard Questions] | MB

Based on the 2025 MB Driver's manual
Questions: 120
Mistakes allowed: 0
Passing score: 100%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:40
How many correct answers to pass:16+16
Passing score:80%

Contains all 120 Hard questions from all practice tests in this level. Take this Hard Marathon after you’ve completed this level’s tests to consolidate your knowledge. The Marathon is designed to only stop once all the questions have been answered correctly. If you miss a question, it’ll automatically be placed at the very end of the Marathon, and you’ll see that question again.

Based on 2025 MB driver's license manual
Instant feedback
Perfect for: Manitoba Learner’s Permit, Manitoba Driver’s License, MB Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, MB Driver’s License Renewal.
This test is a Premium member exclusive.

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List of questions (classic view)
  1. What does this sign indicate?
  2. How does this sign regulate traffic?
  3. What does this sign indicate?
  4. What does this sign indicate?
  5. What does this sign indicate?
  6. _______ road signs inform drivers of off-road facilities and motorist services.
  7. Which of the following is an example of a medical restriction caused by a driver's poor vision?
  8. What is the youngest age at which you may apply for some class of licence?
  9. Which requirements must a 16-year-old applicant meet to obtain a Class 7 Level I graduated licence?
  10. What does this sign indicate?
  11. What does this sign mean?
  12. What does this sign indicate?
  13. Which type of child safety seat is appropriate for a newborn baby?
  14. What does this sign mean?
  15. What should you NOT do if a blowout occurs?
  16. What does this sign mean?
  17. What does this sign indicate?
  18. A collector's highway in New Brunswick can be identified by a
  19. To increase safety while driving in fog, you should
  20. If you cannot see to drive under conditions of densely falling or blowing snow, what should you do?
  21. It is safe to pass a vehicle on the right in all of the following situations, EXCEPT
  22. What does this road sign mean?
  23. How do the yellow line markings on the pavement assist drivers in safe driving?
  24. When driving on a two-way road without yellow lines dividing the opposing lanes, you should
  25. Broken white lines painted on highways at entry and exit ramps are called
  26. In a rotary or traffic circle, you should drive
  27. A driver attempts to foresee potential collisions and is prepared to avoid them. This driving practice is known as
  28. How should you enter a divided highway?
  29. You should never back up your vehicle in any travel lane EXCEPT
  30. What should you do if a wheel runs off the pavement and onto the shoulder of the road?
  31. A disability placard is valid for a maximum period of
  32. Check for pedestrians in which of the following locations?
  33. When a driver approaches a farm vehicle, which of the following is the most difficult to assess?
  34. All of the following will increase the safety of a pedestrian on a roadway EXCEPT
  35. You are driving on a wet road and have to stop quickly. If your vehicle does not have antilock brakes (ABS), what should you do?
  36. A Class 7 – Level 2 driver may carry up to
  37. When the temperature has dropped below 0 °C, you should use _________ before starting the engine.
  38. While backing your vehicle, your right/left hand should be at the _________ on the steering wheel.
  39. Two cars are turning onto a divided highway. Which car is turning correctly?
  40. In New Brunswick, you should maintain a following distance of at least ________ behind the vehicle in front of you.

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