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MB Class 3 Commercial Driving Licence Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 MB CDL manual
Questions: 35
Mistakes allowed: 7
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:35
How many correct answers to pass:28
Passing score:80%

Getting ready for the Class 3 portion of your Manitoba commercial driving licence test can be overwhelming. You know you have to ace it in order to drive a truck in MB, so your entire livelihood depends on it. You have studied the official handbook over and over again, but you need to put your skills to the test to see if you have what it takes to pass. You can accomplish that with the Exam Simulator. With questions pulled directly from the most recent official commercial driver manual, the simulator has the same type of questions that you’ll find on the official exam.

Based on 2025 MB commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. If your accelerator sticks, the first thing you should do is
  2. Airbags inflate in collisions at speeds over
  3. If you are found to be operating a vehicle in violation of the traffic laws, the police may seize and impound the vehicle
  4. Why is it recommended that you back into a 90-degree angle parking space?
  5. To recover from a skid, you should
  6. If you drift off the pavement and start to enter a ditch, what should you do?
  7. Wearing a seatbelt can decrease your chances of being seriously injured in a collision by as much as
  8. If your right wheels drop onto a soft shoulder, what should you do?
  9. When entering a freeway from an acceleration lane, you must
  10. Two cars arrive at a four-way stop at about the same time. Which car should go first?
  11. What does this sign indicate?
  12. Your traffic light has turned green while a pedestrian is still in the crosswalk. What should you do?
  13. What does a green arrow signal indicate?
  14. You are approaching an intersection. You intend to turn right, but there is a vehicle near the intersection that is parked next to the right curb. What should you do?
  15. What is the best braking technique on wet or icy surfaces?
  16. A solid yellow line on your side of the road means
  17. You see a pedestrian about to jaywalk. What should you do?
  18. Which of the following statements about unmarked crosswalks is true?
  19. You are allowed to make a U-turn if
  20. Which of the following statements about passing on the right is FALSE?
  21. The pavement markings in this image indicate that
  22. When approaching this sign, you should
  23. Your hand-held cellphone rings while you're driving. What should you do?
  24. If you cannot avoid colliding with an animal, what should you NOT do?
  25. If your vehicle's brakes fail and the vehicle is relatively modern, what should you NOT do?
  26. This sign is showing that
  27. What does this road sign mean?
  28. Centre turning lanes are used for
  29. Which of the following are common contributing factors to collisions?
  30. Which of the following is an example of a potential hazard?
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