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FREE ICBC Knowledge Test Practice 2025 | BC

Based on the 2025 BC Driver's manual
Questions: 35
Mistakes allowed: 7
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:50
How many correct answers to pass:40
Passing score:80%
Minimum age to apply:16

This practice test is designed to prepare you for the official ICBC knowledge exam that you need to pass in order to obtain your learner’s licence. The ICBC knowledge test is a 50-question exam (all are multiple-choice questions) that you’ll take on a computer at your local driver’s licensing office. The test will cover all the information found in the BC “Learn to Drive Smart” Manual.

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Based on 2025 BC driver's license manual
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Perfect for: British Columbia Learner’s Permit, British Columbia Driver’s License, BC Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, BC Driver’s License Renewal.
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. Where do emergency vehicles with flashing lights and sirens have the right-of-way?
  2. While driving at night, if you meet an oncoming vehicle with glaring bright headlights, what should you do?
  3. in British Columbia, you must dim your headlights whenever you are within ________ of another vehicle.
  4. When driving at night, it is a good idea to
  5. When driving behind a slow-moving truck travelling uphill, you should
  6. When driving, how can you reduce fuel consumption?
  7. Under ideal driving conditions, you should maintain a following distance of at least _______ behind the vehicle in front of you.
  8. When driving through a road construction zone, you should
  9. During a long road trip with children in your vehicle, it is a good idea to
  10. How should you enter a freeway?
  11. When entering a tunnel on a sunny day, you should
  12. If your visibility is reduced while you're driving in rain, snow or fog, what should you do?
  13. In which of the following situations should you use a hand signal as well as a turn signal?
  14. When parallel parking in British Columbia, you must be within _______ of the curb.
  15. When passing a tractor-trailer, you should
  16. To pull away from the curb, you should
  17. When sharing the road with a motorcycle,
  18. When should you slow down to 30 km/h near a playground?
  19. When should you use your vehicle’s turn signals?
  20. You have reached an intersection with a red traffic light facing you. You plan to go straight. What should you do?
  21. If you plan to drive in British Columbia during the winter, you should
  22. When using your turn signal, you should
  23. On the freeway, you are approaching a freeway entrance where other vehicles are attempting to merge. You should NOT
  24. When you approach a roundabout or traffic circle, you should
  25. When you see a potential hazard ahead, you should
  26. Where you're driving on a multi-lane roadway, you should
  27. Where should you position your left and right hands on the steering wheel?
  28. On a freeway with more than two lanes in each direction, which lane should you use for normal driving?
  29. Which of the following may carry a red light visible from the front?
  30. What is the correct hand signal to indicate a left turn?
  31. What is the correct hand signal to indicate a right turn?
  32. What is the correct hand signal to indicate that you are slowing or stopping?
  33. If a bicycle on your right reaches a four-way stop at about the same time as you do, you should
  34. Why should you do a shoulder check when you're going to change lanes?
  35. As you were getting into your car, you noticed a cyclist about one block away. What should you do?

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