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ICBC Traffic Signs and Road Situations 2025 | BC

Based on the 2025 BC Driver's manual
Questions: 30
Mistakes allowed: 6
Passing score: 80%
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What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:50
How many correct answers to pass:40
Passing score:80%
Minimum age to apply:16

Road signs are extremely important while you’re driving. They are able to warn you of possible hazards, inform you of speed limits or road changes, guide you or inform others of what you’re doing. There are three distinct categories: regulatory (such as speed limit signs), warning (such as a lane merging sign), and guide (such as the type that lets you know there is a hospital ahead). You’ve probably spent years seeing various signs mixed in with British Columbia’s roadside scenery, but you’ll need to be able to recognize and understand all these signs to stay safe on the road.

This practice test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions (written in a very similar manner to those on the actual driver’s knowledge exam) that cover not only road signs but also general road rules. Be sure you study all relevant sections in the BC Driver Handbook. You’ll receive an explanation for each question, and each question you answer incorrectly will be stored in your Challenge Bank so you can revisit it later. Good luck with the ICBC exam!

Based on 2025 BC driver's license manual
Instant feedback
Perfect for: British Columbia Learner’s Permit, British Columbia Driver’s License, BC Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test, BC Driver’s License Renewal.
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. What does this road sign mean?
  2. What does this road sign mean?
  3. What does this road sign mean?
  4. What does this road sign mean?
  5. Which type of sign is this?
  6. When can a vehicle with just one occupant (the driver) use this lane?
  7. What does this road sign mean?
  8. What does this road sign mean?
  9. A sign with a green circle
  10. What does this sign mean?
  11. What does this sign mean?
  12. What does this road sign mean?
  13. What does this sign mean?
  14. What does this road sign mean?
  15. What does this road sign mean?
  16. You are approaching an intersection at which you want to turn left. You cannot see any other vehicles around. Do you still have to signal?
  17. In British Columbia, when must you dim your high-beam headlights?
  18. In British Columbia, which of the following statements is FALSE?
  19. Two cars are turning left onto a divided highway. Which cars are turning correctly?
  20. Which cars are hidden in the truck's blind spots?
  21. Which of the following are true about sharing a road with motorcyclists?
  22. Is this car legally parked?
  23. Which of the following statements about hydroplaning is FALSE?
  24. Is this car legally parked?
  25. Which of the following takes precedence (i.e., should be obeyed above all the others)?
  26. The centre lane of this road is separated from the other lanes by solid and broken yellow lines. This lane is used for
  27. In British Columbia, which of the following statements about crossing an intersection with a red traffic light is FALSE?
  28. You see a lane with these markings. What kind of lane is it?
  29. When might a cyclist ride in a non-reserved lane?
  30. Three cars are approaching this four-way stop, one after the other. Which car should go first?

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