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British Columbia Class 4 Licence Test 9 2025 | BC

Based on the 2025 BC CDL manual
Questions: 43
Mistakes allowed: 9
Passing score: 80%
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If you’re planning to drive a small bus/school bus (up to 24 passengers), a taxi, or an ambulance in British Columbia, you’ll need a Class 4 commercial driver’s licence. The transportation industry in BC is booming, so now is a great time: Class 4 drivers are in high demand. But in order to drive one or more of those vehicles, you must first learn to drive carefully and safely. So before you can get your Class 4 licence, you must pass both a written and a practical test. The written test (also known as the British Columbia Class 4 knowledge exam) has several multiple-choice questions. This 43-question Class 4 practice test is a great way to prepare: all of our questions are based on the official 2025 BC commercial driver’s manual. Good luck and drive safely!

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Based on 2025 BC commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. If a commercial motor vehicle becomes disabled on a roadway at night, flares or reflectors must be placed approximately _________ in front of and behind the vehicle.
  2. You're driving on a two-way street when you hear the siren of an approaching emergency vehicle. Under British Columbia law, what must you do?
  3. Under British Columbia law, when a school bus stops with its red signals flashing, other drivers must
  4. A bus driver should maintain a following distance of at least ________ behind the vehicle ahead.
  5. As part of your pre-trip inspection of a bus with air brakes, you should make sure that the air-loss rate per minute is not greater than
  6. Industrial roads do NOT include which of the following?
  7. Under the National Safety Code, how often must commercial vehicles be inspected?
  8. To obtain an air brake endorsement in British Columbia, you must do which of the following?
  9. What is the air brake endorsement for industrial roads called?
  10. When should you perform a pre-hill inspection?
  11. As air pressure builds during your pre-trip inspection of the air brakes, the low air pressure warning device should deactivate at
  12. According to the British Columbia Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual, when you drive a large commercial vehicle on a public roadway, you should leave at least ________ of space between your vehicle and other large commercial vehicles.
  13. When are you required to complete a pre-hill inspection?
  14. Which method should you use to upshift?
  15. Who has the right-of-way on a steep hill on an industrial road?
  16. You are operating a vehicle whose peak engine torque is at 1,500 rpm and whose peak horsepower is at 2,000 rpm. When employing a standard rpm split to upshift, you should
  17. When driving in British Columbia at night, you must use low-beam headlights whenever you are within ________ of an oncoming vehicle.
  18. If you refuse to provide a breath sample to a police officer, which of the following will happen?
  19. It will take at least ________ for an aspiring driver to complete both the learner’s and probationary stages of the GDL program.
  20. At a railway crossing that has a stop sign, you must stop _________ from the nearest rail.
  21. Drivers who move to Alberta must exchange their existing licence for an Alberta driver's licence within
  22. You must turn your headlights on at night and whenever you cannot see clearly ________ ahead of you.
  23. The maximum speed limit on roadways within Alberta's urban areas is
  24. If you intend to make a right turn on a red light, you must
  25. In British Columbia, are you allowed to turn right at a solid red light?
  26. Are you likely to pass a breath test for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) after you've consumed just one standard alcoholic drink?
  27. What practices should be avoided while driving?
  28. What is the appropriate protocol for picking up or dropping off passengers?
  29. What's the safest way to handle a phone call while driving?
  30. How can you enhance your alertness at intersections?
  31. What actions should be taken when driving in pedestrian areas?
  32. To avoid a fixed stare, which is focusing on one object for too long, drivers should
  33. When deciding the following distance from the vehicle ahead, consider
  34. Identify the incorrect statement about approaching a crossover with a crossing pedestrian
  35. What does the acronym LPI represent?
  36. Upon encountering a stationary emergency vehicle on a highway, you are required to
  37. Choose the most accurate and correct statement
  38. When is it necessary to visit a collision reporting center after an accident?
  39. How should you react at an intersection when an emergency vehicle is approaching?
  40. Distracted driving as defined in the Highway Traffic Act includes
  41. What does this sign on a vehicle's rear signify?
  42. Define a bike box.
  43. In terms of road safety, what does 'dooring' mean?
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