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BC Class 3 Commercial Driving Licence Exam Simulator 2025

Based on the 2025 BC CDL manual
Questions: 35
Mistakes allowed: 7
Passing score: 80%
Ensuring the accuracy and quality of our practice tests is paramount. Learn more about our rigorous standards in our Commitment to Accuracy article.
What to expect on the official exam
How many questions:35
How many correct answers to pass:28
Passing score:80%

When you stroll into the ICBC to take your BC Class 3 Commercial Driving Licence test, you want to be prepared, don’t you? You want to know that you are going to ace the test with flying colors. If you just review the commercial driver’s handbook on your own, you probably aren’t going to have that feeling. You will feel apprehensive, and you won’t be certain if you’re going to walk back out the doors with your Class 3 licence. Then, you might have to report back to your superior and let him or her know that you failed the test. Take all of the guesswork out of the equation by taking our Class 3 Exam Simulator practice test. This is the last step -- take it several times after completing our practice tests and the Marathon. It will get you ready for the real exam. You’ll get a new set of questions every time you restart the Exam Simulator. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Good luck!

Based on 2025 BC commercial driver's license manual
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List of questions (classic view)
  1. What does this sign mean?
  2. All drivers under the age of ____ must have a Blood Alcohol Content of zero whenever they drive.
  3. Is this car legally parked?
  4. What does this image illustrate?
  5. What shouldn't you do with your block heater?
  6. The Ignition Interlock Program is intended for drivers who
  7. A peace officer is authorised to
  8. A modern engine needs _______ to warm up in most weather.
  9. You must dim your headlights whenever you are within ________ of an approaching vehicle.
  10. You must dim your headlights whenever you are within ________ of a vehicle you are following.
  11. A NB driver will lose ____ points for unlawful parking in a disabled parking zone.
  12. If you are found guilty of failing to report a collision, you will lose ____ points.
  13. If you are found guilty of _________, five points will be deducted from your driving record.
  14. What is the purpose of the point system?
  15. If you fail your road test for the third time, you may retake it in
  16. If you change your name or address, you must report the change to the New Brunswick Motor Vehicle Branch within
  17. You should NOT move an injured person at the scene of a collision UNLESS
  18. The largest blind spot of a truck may be up to
  19. If you are involved in a collision in which a person is injured, you must produce
  20. Your licence will be suspended if you accumulate ____ points on your driving record.
  21. A Class 7 Level 2 license holder may carry up to ____ passengers.
  22. If you are convicted of failing to stop when requested by a peace officer, a court can suspend your licence for up to
  23. Studded tires must NOT be used
  24. By law, which vehicles are required to stop before proceeding through a railway crossing?
  25. When you approach a railway crossing, you must stop no less than ________ from the nearest rail if the signals are flashing.
  26. On the days in which school is in session, the school zone speed limit is in effect
  27. A centre lane that is marked on each side by a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line is reserved for _________ and can be used by vehicles travelling in either direction.
  28. When school is in session, the speed limit in a school zone is _______ unless otherwise posted.
  29. You must NOT pass
  30. In which of the following situations can you safely pass a vehicle on the right?
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